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When will the next issue come out?:

Our next issue will be released on May 12, 2023 (subject to change)

Citrus Fruits

How can I join the Inkwell committee?:

The Inkwell opens up for new members at the start of every publication cycle - contact Ava T if you’d like to join!

Note: By signing up for the Inkwell, it is expected that you will be committed to the magazine for at least one full publication cycle. 


What roles are available to me on the Inkwell committee?

  • Writer: Students who wish to contribute to the Inkwell regularly may join the committee as writers, where they will be expected to contribute at least one piece per publication cycle. Writers may also be called upon to fulfill other roles within the committee, most likely as editors.


  • Editor: Editors will work with both committee writers and submission writers to provide valuable feedback and aid with revision ahead of publication. Depending on the volume of submitted work, editors may be given genre-specific roles: ie, poetry editor, nonfiction editor, etc. 


  • Designer: Designers are responsible for creating and updating the magazine’s website (using a template platform), as well as formatting the magazine’s layout. Designers may also be asked to create posters or other visual aids to promote various Inkwell events, such as newly published issues, the submission period, and committee openings




How can I submit a written work to the Inkwell?:

The Inkwell’s submission period is open for a month at the start of every publication cycle. All written submissions should be sent in through the Submission Form - if you can’t find the form, contact Ava Tyszkowski. 

Once a submission is accepted for publication, you’ll be able to opt in to receive peer feedback from an editor on the Inkwell committee.


How do I submit a piece of artwork to the Inkwell?:

The Inkwell encourages collaboration between writers and artists. If you are a member of Chronos campus who would like to submit artwork, contact Ava McKinney-Taylor. If you are a member of Athena campus, contact Ava Tyszkowski. 


What is the next Inkwell theme?:

Our theme for the upcoming Spring 2023 issue is Time/Decay and Regrowth.


Further information about the Inkwell committee can be found here


Story submission form

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