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  • Kira Gallichio

Star Crossed

By Aria/Envy Whitney

right person, right time

ill-fated, destined to stay apart

as i whisper your name in my heart

two people meant to love each other

constantly pulled apart

a plea to the stars,

a cry to the moon

for such beautiful existence

how could they be so cruel

as my heart aches and searches for you

through death i have lost you

and life has given you to me again

for centuries it seems we have been

through this cycle of life and death

my cries are heard throughout the night

as the moon holds my hand

and listens to me once more

she does not give at my sorrow

or my ever-breaking heart

for she too knows the pain

of an every burning heart

so as i write to you, my dear

just know i have tried

but the stars are far too stubborn

too wrapped up in my desires,

thriving off wishes i plead to them each night

i beg that star crossed lovers

is not written in the night

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