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  • Kira Gallichio

The Word Between Us

By Aria/Envy Whitney:

An excerpt from the story I’m writing :)


A near-empty library is filled with the sound of pen scratching vigorously on paper. A dark and dreary vibe filled the space with its silence. Two figures sit in the back near a darkened window. Pointed arches framing the two, drawing attention to the shadowed corner. Various candles lit to keep the space from being consumed in darkness despite it nearly being 3 in the afternoon.

"Nilo, I really don't think you trying to translate this text for the 6th time will work if it didn't the other 5 times." Ivory scolded, frowning at the focused girl.

"Yes it will! C'mon Ivory have some faith in me, things usually work out for me don't they?" Nilofar winked playfully at the other, going back to scribbling down the different ancient dialects. Her striking brown eyes catching the light, enchanting their beauty. It almost distracted her enough from what was going on at the moment.

It was their first month anniversary and Nilofar suggested that they try to decipher some ancient texts together. However, Ivory had finished hers a while ago and was waiting on her partner. To be fair, it was a good idea at first, but seeing the brunette give all her attention to one passage made her just want to go back to the dorms and draw.

"Fine, but this is your last time. Let's go back after this." Ivory sighed, giving in to the other quite easily. Nilofar cheered, kissing Ivory on her cheek. "Thanks, azizam!"

Ivory smiled softly at her partner, watching as she not so surprisingly managed to get past the passage she'd previously been stuck on. Nilo did have unnaturally good luck outside of just sheer dedication for some reason. 'It doesn't seem like we've been at each other's throats, quite literally, just 2 months ago.' she mused to herself, basking in the silence that enveloped the two.

Ivory was too busy in her thoughts to notice that the shorter had finished and started to pack up both their belongings.

"Hello~ guess who finished!" Nilofar cheered excitedly but not too loud, noticing the other had spaced out and didn't want to startle her too much. Handing Ivory the deciphered text to read, Nilo clasped her hands behind her back expectantly.

Snapping out of her thoughts, Ivs clapped softly for her partner, still not completely present as she took in the writing.

"Great job! Guess your hard work never fai..." the rest of the sentence getting caught in her throat as she finally processed what the passage actually translated to.

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1 comentário

06 de set. de 2023

please share the rest of the story! I can't bare cliffhangers!!

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